Emerging markets and shifting consumer demand are creating new opportunities in food and beverage, with business leaders investing in new products, markets and distribution models. At Grant Thornton, we can help you turn these trends to your advantage, while providing you with a clear route for growth.

Changes in consumer preferences and dietary habits are creating new opportunities in the food and beverage sector, with companies investing in new products, markets and distribution models. We, at Grant Thornton, can help you to convert these trends to competitive advantages and to further develop your business.

Our solutions

Our teams offer solutions tailored to the food and beverage industry, including working with you to:

  • External audit
  • Corporate and international tax
  • VAT and Indirect taxes
  • Tax advisory and planning
  • Outsource of accounting processes
  • Corporate finance
  • Financial and operational restructuring
  • Enrich business planning
  • Performance development and managing organisational change
  • Supply chain management
  • Human resources management
  • Turquality advisory
  • Building marketing strategies and key account management
  • M&A services
  • Valuation and due diligence
  • Internal audit and internal controls
  • Customs and foreign trade

Why Grant Thornton

Our extensive knowledge of the food and beverage industry means we understand the challenges your business faces and can offer effective solutions.

Our teams will take a detailed look at your business and help you to optimise your operations. We’ll help you to improve productivity, making sure you run at the best possible efficiency across your supply chain.

We can also support your ambitions to grow and expand into new markets through our extensive knowledge of mergers and acquisitions. We’ll work with you to explore risks, examine how changing rules can create opportunities and make sure you benefit from relevant tax breaks.

In an industry with international supply chains and market opportunities, our global organisation of member firms allows us to combine both international and domestic knowledge.