The constant rise of the digital marketplace is making as many waves in the world of retail today as it did when people first began clicking and shopping.

These days, customers increasingly use bricks-and-mortar shops as showrooms then go online to buy. To adapt, companies are becoming multi-channel retailers to link this customer experience.

Smart businesses are improving their systems to ensure they capture this significant market shift and are beginning to meet national and international demand, and even thrive.

Retail can still be a tricky business. We'll help you manage the risks and maximise your cash flow through our team of experts. Our business consulting team, for example, works with retail companies of all shapes and sizes, helping improve performance and manage working capital. Then there's our process-mapping expertise that identifies risks in your staffing procedures.

Our solutions

  • External audit
  • Corporate and international tax
  • VAT and Indirect taxes
  • Tax advisory and planning
  • Outsource of accounting processes
  • Corporate finance
  • Financial and operational restructuring
  • Enrich business planning
  • Performance development and managing organisational change
  • Supply chain management
  • Human resources management
  • Turquality advisory
  • Building marketing strategies and key account management
  • M&A services
  • Valuation and due diligence
  • Internal audit and internal controls
  • Customs and foreign trade 

Why Grant Thornton

Success often means being in the right place at the right time. Our team can analyse the market for you and find the best locations to expand your business.

Operating overseas? We'll make sure your international operations are set up in the best way to maximise wealth. Our experts will work together, helping you deal with direct and indirect taxes. There are various ways we can reduce costs legally, for example, by registering you for VAT in overseas countries.