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Salih Kırıklar

Salih Kırıklar



He graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics with a Bachelors Degree. His career started in 2008 at Demirdag Denetim YMM. LTD. STI. He worked as a tax auditor until 2015, during his tenure at Demirdag he developed expertise in many fields of Turkish local tax legislation and applications. In 2015, he became a Certified Public Accountant and was then registered as an auditor by the Capital Markets Board in 2013 and by Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standards Agency in 2015. Between 2015-2017, he studied English language in the United States of America.

He joined Grant Thornton in 2017 as a Senior Manager in the Outsourcing and Tax Compliance Department, subsequently being promoted to the position of Director at his department in 2020. In 2023 he was elected as a Partner of Grant Thornton Turkey and has been working as a leader of the Outsourcing and Tax Compliance Department. He has substantial experience and expertise in the accounting and tax applications pertaining to manufacturing, finance, service and trade firms and publicly traded corporations.In addition to his extensive expertise in the field of statutory Inflation Accounting applications. Salih also performs professional training both within Grant Thornton and as a service to various clients in the fields of Accounting and Tax Legislation.

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